
What is BOTOX?

BOTOX is a popular injectable that has been safely used since receiving therapeutic FDA approval in 1989. For nearly 20 years, BOTOX Cosmetic has been used with FDA approval as a temporary aesthetic treatment for moderate to severe wrinkles. BOTOX is a purified protein derived from the botulinum toxin.

Is BOTOX safe?

The safety and efficacy of Botox Cosmetic has been described in more than 530 articles in peer-reviewed scientific and medical journals over nearly 20 years. BOTOX Cosmetic is the most widely researched and proven in nearly 20 years of published research. At Modern Smiles Orthodontics, we use BOTOX Cosmetic and Therapeutic.

How long does the procedure take and is it painful?

The injection process for BOTOX Cosmetic takes less than 10 minutes. Dr. Harris will first discuss your treatment goals and then evaluate your facial musculature to determine what areas are appropriate for treatment with BOTOX Cosmetic. Most patients feel a small pinch at the injection site, which dissipates quickly. After the injection, there is no residual pain and you can carry on with your day.

How long does it take for the effects of BOTOX Cosmetic to occur?

How long do they last? The effects of BOTOX Cosmetic can be seen as soon as 24-48 hours after injection. Full effect is typically not appreciated until 7-10 days following injection. Results typically last up to four months.